Monday, 22 September 2014

COT Report Updates Taking a Break

Hi folks,

It's with sadness that I've decided to take a break from my regular weekly Commitments of Traders updates.

I've been planning to review and update my trading setups, but I just haven't managed to find the time.

It's important to do a review like that every once in a while to take into account new data. I also wanted to check how my existing setups have performed and look at ways to improve their performance.

Here are some other projects I'm working on right now: Check out my award-winning book Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence, which got an honorable mention in the 2018 Reader's Favorite International Book Awards (plus a five-star review) and was finalist in the American Book Fest 2017 Best Book Awards. 

I also write about the widespread problem of police officer-involved domestic violence on my Police Wife blog and write about investigative journalism at my Investigate This! blog.

One observation I've made about the COT data is that it looks like there's a correlation between a setup's results and whether its component signals follow the trader group (as opposed to fading).

In other words, setups may work better if their component signals both follow the trader group.

I need to test that theory in depth and don't want to keep trading signals that aren't optimized as I'd like them to be.

When I've found time for this updating work, I'll check my results and consider restarting my weekly updates.

In the meanwhile, I owe an immense debt of thanks to all the readers worldwide (over 540,000 page views since I started seven years ago).

I'm especially grateful to those who contributed feedback -- and in some cases, extraordinary amounts of collaboration -- to improve our understanding of the fascinating COT data and how it can be traded.

I didn't expect this aspect of blogging when I started COTs Timer seven years ago -- the generosity and sharing of collective wisdom. I learned a great deal, and this has been a remarkable experience. I hope to see you back here one day soon.

I've updated my latest signals table one last time with last week's COT data -- though I had a technical glitch with the file for my three metals (gold, cooper and silver), so I haven't updated that data.

Thank you again to all, and good luck in your trading and other endeavours.

P.S. I just noticed that COTs Timer was listed on TraderHQ's 50 Blogs Every Serious Trader Should Read list. Thanks!


tomas said...

Hi Alex. I respect that and hope you will find time to restart the trading based on COT soon. I just started following the method several month ago and even experienced some drawdowns (ie bonds lastly) but I am still confident regarding the intrinstic value of COT reports.

Less-Brokerage said...

I Don't think it's very informative, because you don't post relevant chart or Image.

James Mathew

Alex Roslin said...

Hi James,

Thanks for your comment. This system doesn't rely on charts or images. It trades when traders hit very specific levels of positioning in various markets.

If you are looking for COT charts or images, feel free to check out the links in the right-hand column. Some of those sites have exactly that kind of information. But as I say, that's not of any use in a mechanical trading system like mine, and I don't have time to duplicate charts or images that other people are already doing a good job creating.


Anonymous said...

Your trading approach looks well structured. Have you ever tried to mix it with Turtles' approach to commodities?

Alex Roslin said...

Hi Aimdal,

Thanks for your message. Years ago I read Curtis Faith's book on the turtles' approach and enjoyed it. It helped me develop some of my thinking about trading.

Best regards,

Reza said...

Please let me know when you open again or subscription.

Reza said...

Please add me to your list.

Unknown said...

Hi Alex,

Your doing great job. continue....


Alex Roslin said...

Hi Reza and Akash,

Thanks! No problem - I'll add you to the list if/when I restart.

Best regards,

Unknown said...

I Love your Trading tips which is more informative blog kindly get back soon

Unknown said...

Please come back.... We miss your analysis