Saturday 12 February 2011

Gas, Bond from Bearish to Cash

Another nice signal from my natural gas trading setup last week. On Monday's open of trading, that setup goes back to cash. It will then go bearish the following week (on Feb. 21), as detailed on my newly updated latest signals table. All other signals remain the same (gold is bullish, everything else in cash), except for my setup for the 30-year Treasury. That one also goes from bearish to cash this coming week, but then returns to bearish on Feb. 21. Have a good weekend, and good luck next week.


Unknown said...


I have been following your site for awhile now... up until a couple of weeks ago I was able to replicate the buy and sell signals for nat gas using your methodology, but over the past couple of weeks it seems we are coming to different results. I believe another poster had the same issue. Have you checked into this at all?

Alex Roslin said...

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your message. I did a check after the previous post about the same issue, but I didn't find anything amiss. But your email prompted me to take another look, and I did notice that I had erroneously inputted the futures-only data for the week of Jan. 18 for some of the markets. I've fixed that now, and I've adjusted the data on the latest signals table.

Thanks to you and the earlier poster for bringing this up. It's one of the great things I've found about having this blog - getting valuable feedback from people like you. All current signals remain the same. One change is that my upcoming natural gas signal will be bearish on Monday's open (not bullish as I had previously thought).

Let me know if my updated numbers match yours or don't. And apologies to readers for this mistake.


Unknown said...

Thanks Alex for looking into it. I have enjoyed the unique analysis you have put together. Keep up the good work!